Go West

The Westside is unlike any other part of San Antonio. Its unique culture, history, and people are the prime reason for visitors, families, and businesses to venture West.

westside by the numbers

Minutes from Downtown


The deep Hispanic roots of the Westside are represented by the artwork, historical buildings, and people in the community. With a tiendita and church on every corner, community ties have always been strong.


We aim to protect the historic and cultural resources of the Westside so that as San Antonio grows, we can rise with it and elevate its prosperity.

Where We Serve

We serve a 15-square mile target area on San Antonio’s historic Westside. It is primarily Hispanic, includes a population of approximately 103,000, and has historically suffered from neglect, disinvestment, high poverty, and low educational attainment. Although challenged, this is an area of high opportunity with 3 universities, 2 lakes, a developing creek trailway system, and close proximity to two major economic centers – Downtown San Antonio and Port San Antonio. Most importantly, it is the cultural heart of San Antonio to which many of city residents and businesses trace their roots. Maximizing these assets and opportunities for the benefit of our Westside community is our mission.

STAY ConnectED

There’s a lot happening on the Westside and there’s even more to come. Sign up to stay informed or send us your ideas on how to make the Westside even better!

State of The Westside

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