education & workforce



Westside Education & Training CenteR

The Westside Education & Training Center (WETC) opened in 2006 and is located in Westside San Antonio, in the heart of the Edgewood community. The center’s location provides accessibility for students and residents to acquire the advanced education and skills necessary to be competitive in the workforce, supports the region’s targeted driving industries, and provides the availability of trained and ready workforce. 

In 2015, Prosper West San Antonio joined with other training center partners to help Alamo Colleges secure a $23 million allocation of district bond money to develop a  new, state-of-art, 45,000 square foot building. The new WETC will double the size of the current facility and allow for even greater community impact. Site construction began in Spring 2021. 

career fair

Prosper West San Antonio partners with Workforce Solutions Alamo to host a yearly event targeted to Westside residents and  business owners. Our next career fair is scheduled for August 20, 2022 from 9 am – 1 pm. In the meantime, check out current job fairs and hiring events hosted by our partner, Workforce Solution Alamo!

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State of The Westside

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